Creating a Marketo Engage Campaign

  • Updated


If you haven't already taken the steps to set up Sendoso in Marketo Engage, start here, and then come back to this article.

For a deep dive into the Marketo integration, check out this webinar

Now that you have set up Sendoso in Marketo Engage, you can create a campaign to be triggered! You can send via Marketo Engage in two different ways; via a Marketo Engage Webhook or through a Dynamic eGift link. This article will review both of these options! 

Sending via a Marketo Engage Webhook

To start, you are going to create a new campaign.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 9.07.26 AM.png

Now, select the item you would like to send. You can send all campaign types with Marketo Engage webhooks (excluding Amazon sends).

After you have selected the campaign type, you'll arrive at the "Touch Details" section. For 'Touch Type', select Triggered sending based on Integration. Once you choose to trigger the send, you'll be presented with a few options:

  • Require Approval: This will enable you to add an extra layer of safety for triggered sends. Read more about our require approval feature here.
  • Funding Source: All triggered sends are charged to a funding source. Select the appropriate funding source for this send.
  • Address Confirmation: Sendoso enables you to send address confirmation with your triggered campaign so the recipient can confirm/update their address. At the moment, the address confirmation stays active for 2 days and can not be updated for a longer duration.
    • You can also elect to cancel the package if they don't update their address, or have it sent anyways.
  • Allow Senders to Add Funds: This will enable your triggered send to continue to run, even after your funding source balance hits $0. It will generate an invoice or credit card charge depending on how your funding source is set up.

Screen_Shot_2022-06-07_at_3.12.49_PM.pngUpon clicking next, you'll get a pop-up window. Choose Marketo Engage and click next.

mceclip3.pngHere, ensure the Marketo Engage Integration Type is "Marketo Webhook." You'll need the ID, Secret, and URL we obtained from the initial setup article. This is entered on a per-user basis and is only entered one time. Any Sendoso user who will be creating Marketo Engage campaigns will need this information.

At the bottom of the page, you'll receive a unique Sendoso Touch ID. Take note of this as we'll need it for the campaign in Marketo Engage.  


After you have copied the touch ID, click next.

If the gift you are sending includes the ability to send a personalized message, you'll see text to Edit template with a custom message.


When editing your message, you'll have the ability to pull in Marketo fields to make the message personalized to the recipient. Once you have completed your message, click Save.


Then, you will specify who receives the delivery email alerts and who receives the errors if a trigger fails. At the moment, you can only choose yourself for the notifications with a Marketo Engage campaign.


The final step needed for a Marketo Engage Triggered campaign will be to map how Sendoso will send data back to Marketo Engage. This will correspond with the channel and program member statuses that were created during channel creation.


Bonus Tip: We have a few extra fields you can track when you send a physical gift.  These include the total amount spent on a campaign, the tracking number, and the tracking URL.  


After you have mapped the corresponding Marketo Engage campaign, you can skip over assigning the send to a team. Since the send is taking place from Marketo Engage, no teams need to be assigned.

Ready to set up the Marketo Engage campaign? Click here!

Sending via a Dynamic eGift Link

If you are wanting to send an eGift via Marketo Engage, you can leverage a webhook as outlined above, or you can choose our Dynamic Link feature.

The dynamic link enables you to send eGifts with a singular link that is embedded in a button or hyperlinked into an email.

Similar to the above, you are going to create a new campaign. 

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 9.07.26 AM.png

Next, select the 'Sendoso Choice' campaign type (first time setting up Sendoso Choice? Click here!)


After selecting your gift(s) and naming your campaign, click "Automated" and then "Add Integration"

Select the Marketo Engage tile and click Next.

From here, you'll want to make sure the integration type is Marketo eGift URL then you'll see your unique URL generated below. This is the link that can be embedded into a button or hyperlinked into an email template in Marketo Engage.

Once you have copied the URL, click Next. The last step is the tracking portion. With Marketo Engage dynamic eGift URLs, Sendoso pushes information back to Salesforce instead of Marketo.
That's it! The rest of the campaign setup can be followed in our How do I create a Sendoso Choice Campaign? article.

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