Introducing SmartSend

  • Updated

Leveraging the power of AI in gifting has never been easier with Sendoso's SmartSend feature. This new campaign-less, intelligent sending engine will assist you in finding the perfect gift for your recipient using AI. 

With SmartSend, you can:

  • Send your recipient a gift without having to set up a campaign first
  • Get a list of gifts based on your recipient's specific interests from our Marketplace and from Amazon. Either provide SmartSend a brief description of your recipient ("CTO who loves Marvel Comics") or enter your recipient's email address and SmartSend will search the internet for you for gift suggestions
  • Generate a notecard message using PunPal with one click
  • Track your gift through the Send Tracker like any other campaign

Enabling SmartSend

Go to the new Settings Page and check the box under the SmartSend section to enable the feature. You'll also be prompted to set a spending limit for SmartSends. Scroll down to click Save and refresh your page to see a new SmartSend tab at the top!



You can also set certain limits on what your senders can send and how much they can spend on a SmartSend.

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How to Send

To send via SmartSend, navigate to the SmartSend page and use the search bar at the top to find the perfect gift. There are two ways to search:

Searching with the recipient's email address

If you're unsure what your recipient will like, try searching for a gift using their email address. SmartSend will search the internet for any clues of what they might like to receive!

If you search with their email address, you won't have to enter their contact information when you send the gift you selected. Their contact details will automatically populate and so will a clever notecard message thanks to PunPal!


Searching with a short description

If you already know what your recipient's interests are, try submitting a short description of who they are and what they like. If you search this way, you will be prompted to enter their contact information upon selecting a gift.


Good to know: Be sure to examine the gift details before sending the gift. You will want to make sure that the gift you want to send can be delivered to their state or country. This is especially important if you're sending alcohol of any kind!

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Tracking SmartSends

Once you send via SmartSend, you'll be able to track the gift in the Send Tracker just like any other Send.

Sendoso will automatically create a campaign for every SmartSend that is submitted so that you can track the gift to your recipient's doorstep. You can also edit the campaign in case you want to add Salesforce tracking. 


How are these sends funded?

At this time, SmartSends will be funded from the individual sender's balance. 

Can I set up a maximum item cost for each team in my account?

Not yet! This setting is global at this time so whatever you choose in your Account Settings will apply to every team in your account.

Do I need a campaign created for each item SmartSend can send?

No! This is the beauty of SmartSend - no need to set up campaigns to enable your senders to start sending. 

Please note that once a SmartSend has been submitted, we will retroactively create a campaign in Sendoso for that Send so that you can easily track its progress. The campaign will be named Smart_Send_Campaign.

We recommend you go into the SmartSend campaign and add Salesforce tracking!

Can I set up Salesforce tracking for these sends?

Yes, but only after you submit the first SmartSend! Once you send a gift, a campaign in Sendoso will be created retroactively and you'll be able to go in and edit the campaign to add Salesforce for tracking.

Can I opt out of Address Confirmation if I know the recipient's address?

Yes! Simply select the I have the recipient's address toggle and provide those details in the form. This will prevent Address Confirmation emails from being sent to your recipient.

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Can I use SmartSend to send gifts in bulk?

Not yet! If you'd like to send gifts to multiple recipients at once, please follow the traditional sending process and upload a CSV from the Send Page.

Be on the lookout for updates and improvements to SmartSend. This is just the beginning!

Can I use SmartSend if I'm on Essential or Express plan? 

SmartSend on release will be available for Essential customers for 60 days. After this period, it will be only on Pro, Plus, and Enterprise plans.

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