How do I create a Funding Source and add funds to my account?

  • Updated

This article will go through how to add funds and Funding Sources to your Sendoso account. Please note that this article is for Admin + Manager users. If you're a sender and need more funds added to your account, please speak to your Sendoso account manager. 

If you're looking for how to add funds to individual teams or users within your account, please review this article

First, we'll need to add a new Funding Source. A Funding Source is what adds funds to your Sendoso account. It can be assigned to teams and/or Campaigns. Then you'll need to add funds to that Funding Source. This article will go through both.

To learn why a Funding Source would be charged, scroll to the bottom of this article.

How to add a Funding Source

Click the Account Balance link under the menu icon in the top-right corner of the app and then select Add to add a new Funding Source.


You can then pick a unique name for the Funding Source. You can keep it broad (i.e. Sales) or specific (i.e. Dreamforce Conference):



For Payment Type, you can select Credit Card or Invoice:


If you select Invoice, you'll be able to enter a PO number for your invoice as well as the email addresses of individuals who should receive the invoices via email. You'll also have to provide a billing address. 


If you select Credit Card as Payment Type, we will ask for the basic credit card information.


You have the option to set a Funding Source as a Default. This means that when you create new Groups in the Teams & Users section then by default the Funding Source will be assigned. There is more information below on setting Account Balance Rules for Groups.


Next, you can set Low Balance alerts which will send email reminders whenever your balance drops below the designated amount:


Note: Your credit card info will be saved with our payment processor (PII compliant). Sendoso will not store your credit card information in our database.

To make sure there are always sufficient funds, you can also set up auto-refills.

  • Monthly Auto-Refill - adds on the first day of each month
  • Low Balance Auto-Refill - add $A when the balance drops below $B.
    • $A needs to be equal to or greater than $B to avoid multiple refills at a time
    • This is recommended for credit card-type funding sources to avoid a large volume of small charges on your credit card

      NOTE: Once funds are added to your account, they cannot be refunded. 


Adding Funds to a Funding Source

Once you've added your Funding Source, you'll now want to add some funds!

Head back to your Account Balance page and locate the Funding Source on the list. Click Add Funds to get started.

Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 1.05.03 PM.png

From there, you'll see a modal where you can input the amount you want to add. You'll also be able to add Account Payable Contact Emails and an optional PO Number. Add a note here if you'd like as well!


Once you click Add Funds, the funds will be added, an invoice will be created (or the credit card will be charged) and you'll be able to continue sending!

What will withdraw money from a Funding Source?

  • When a send is created from a Campaign which is set up to charge a Funding Source directly
  • When an admin allocates money to a user
  • When the scheduled monthly User Account Balance refresh or rollover happens
  • When User Account Balance doesn't have sufficient balance to pay for adjustment charges for a physical send
  • When Sendoso accounting team removes funds to pay for sourcing orders or special projects (such as pre-kitting). 

For additional training on the platform, we recommend checking out Sendoso University courses. These courses are designed to help you be as successful as possible using Sendoso.

For troubleshooting or answers to frequently asked questions, check out our Help Center. And, of course, should you run into any issues or if you have any questions, feel free to contact our Support Team!

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