If you want to send your recipient a gift from our Direct Marketplace but are unsure of what they would like, try the new Recipient Exchange feature!
Take a look at our First Look video for an overview of the new feature:
To see the option to enable your recipient to make a different selection, you'll need to first create a Sendoso Choice Direct Campaign. To do this, you'll select Direct Marketplace when you create a Campaign.
Then you'll click the Create Recipient's Choice Campaign link in the top-right corner.
Once you've made the selections of the gifts you'd like to offer your recipient, you'll then need to click the Allow recipient to exchange gift box on the Campaign Details page.
If your Campaign is a single-item Direct Marketplace Campaign, you will not see the Allow recipient to exchange gift option on the Campaign Details page.
Since this is a Direct Recipient Choice campaign, the recipient will receive an email that will prompt them to choose which gift they'd like to receive. However, since you've enabled them to exchange their gift when you set up the campaign, they'll be able to choose something else of similar value in our Direct Marketplace.
Once they click to select their gift, they'll see a Select something else button below the options you picked for them.
On the next page, they'll see a version of the Direct Marketplace that will enable them to search, filter, and select a gift that is of similar value and can ship to their country.
After they find their preferred gift, then they'll be asked to book a meeting and/or confirm their address, depending on your account settings and preferences.
If you want to see which gift your recipient chose, you can head to your Send Tracker and click View Send Details. At the bottom of the Send Details page, you'll see what they selected in the Gift Details section.
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **
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