Party Link Sending

  • Updated

Need a reusable link or QR code for easy and flexible gifting? With Sendoso's new Party Link sending feature, you can share one link, or QR code, with anyone to give them a gift through Sendoso.

Party Link sending is ideal for massive email campaigns, sending to people whom you may not have an email address for, and for easy QR scanning at events!

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Sending via Party Link

Generating a Party Link is super easy! Navigate to your Send page and pick the gift you'd like to send. From there, you'll see a new option for Party Link. 

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All you have to do next is add a message (or generate a pun!) and click Create Party Link. You'll then be able to either copy the gift link or download the QR code. 

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Choosing a Custom Landing Page

If you have custom landing pages for Party Link sending, you can choose the one you want to use for your send. Take a look at this video on how:


Adding Pre-Approval Criteria

When adding pre-approval criteria, you have the option to either add a list of comma-separated email addresses or add a pre-approved number of recipients. If you add a list of email addresses, everyone who submits the form with the matching email address will automatically get the gift. If you specify a maximum quota, every form submission up to that number will be automatically approved.


Approving Party Link Sends

When recipients redeem their gifts through the Party Link landing page, their send will have to be approved before it goes through unless you've added pre-approval criteria. You can easily approve or cancel Party Link gifts through the Send Tracker

Simply click on Pending Approval at the top, select the sends you'd like to take action on, and click Approve or Cancel in the drop-down menu at the top. 

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The Recipient Experience

When a recipient clicks the link or scans the QR code, they'll see a landing page with the message you included along with a form to fill out to receive their gift.

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Once they submit the form, they'll get a confirmation page that will let them know their request will be reviewed and a follow-up email will be sent shortly. 

When their request is approved, they will receive an email with a link to a landing page that will enable them to select their gift, if applicable, and confirm their address. 


Who can send Party Links? 

Manager users have access to Party Links. Users with roles less than manager cannot generate their own Party Links. 

Can Party Link be used for any type of Send? 

Yes! - with the exception of inventory sends that contain variant products (TBD)

How do I deactivate my Party Link?

Party Links are managed in the campaign details page. You can access the campaign details by going to the Campaigns page and selecting the 3 dots on the right of the page, and clicking "View Campaign Details." 

What's the flow for the recipient? 

The recipient will click on the Party Link to be taken to a landing page to enter their name/email/company. Once you approve them, they'll receive a link to confirm their address or select the gift. We're working on improving the process of collecting address/gift selection on the initial landing page.

Do I always have to approve every redemption in the Send Tracker?

Yes, at the time, each Party Link gift redemption will have to be manually approved. 

How will I know if I have Party Link Sends to approve?

We'll send an email once an hour letting you know that you have new Sends to approve. 

How long will a Party Link send stay in the approval queue before it expires?

Sends do not expire while in the approval queue. They will stay in that queue until action is taken on that Send. 

Once a Party Link send is approved, how long does a recipient have to provide their address?

By default, the Address Confirmation expiration is set to 2 business days unless Global Address Confirmation settings are enabled. The Global Address Confirmation settings will override the default. 

How can I customize the Party Link landing page?

At this time, Party Link sends will use the default theme. 

How are Party Link sends funded?

Through the Funding Source selected when the Touch was set up. Funds are only taken out when a Party Link send is approved in the Send Tracker. 

Can I use a pre-approved number of recipients and pre-approved emails at the same time? 

You can either use a pre-approved quota or pre-approved emails, but not both. 

If someone who doesn't meet my pre-approval email list submits the form, what happens?

They will follow the standard flow and go into pending approval status in the Send Tracker. 

If I hit the max quota but more recipients fill out the form, what happens? 

They will go into the pending approval status in the Send Tracker.

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