Sendoso Glossary

  • Updated

Here is a list of terms you will encounter on your Sendoso journey. 

Account Balance: The page within your Sendoso account where Funding Sources can be managed and where you can allocate funds to teams or users. Here is a summary.

Activity Feed: A page within the Account Balance section of your account where you can see every transaction on your account. Click here to learn more.

Address Confirmation: A feature that, when enabled, asks the recipient to submit or confirm their physical address before a Send is processed. Click here to learn more.

Customization Center: A page within your account where you can create gift email and landing page themes that are in accordance with your organization’s branding. Click here to learn more.

Funding Source: A configured “bank” of funds that will be used to process Sends. These can either be funded by invoice or by credit card. Click here to read more.

Playbooks: Specific Send ideas based on use cases that we’ve seen in the Sendoso community. Playbooks are useful templates for Admin/Managers to use to create Campaigns. Click here to learn more.

Print on Demand (POD): A custom-designed document printed on-demand at our Phoenix SFC to be included in Sends. Click here for more information.

Send Curation/ Campaign Services: A dedicated team that helps create and coordinate sending campaigns that align with your organization’s strategy. Click here to learn more.

Send Issues: A feature that allows you to action Sends that could not be sent because of a suspicious recipient email address or because there were insufficient funds for the Send to go through. Click here to learn more.

Sendoso Choice: eGift Campaigns or Sends. Admin/Managers can set up groups of eGift choices that recipients can select from when they receive a Sendoso Choice Send. Click here to read more.

Sendoso Direct: A type of Campaign or Send that uses our Marketplace of independent vendors. Admin/Managers can set up Direct Campaigns for Senders to Send to their recipients.

Sendoso Help Center/Zendesk: Our knowledge base is where you can learn more about how to use Sendoso and troubleshoot issues.

Sendoso Unversity: Our learning management system with courses on how to use Sendoso features.

The Sendoso Way: How we package your Sends to provide a great unboxing experience. Learn more here.

SFC: Sending Fulfillment Center. This is where Inventoried and Amazon Sends are processed. You can store your items here and our teams will receive and ship those items when Sends are submitted. Click here for more information.

Ship Notice: A document that needs to be attached to any shipment that is being sent to any of our SFCs. Click here to learn more.

Campaign: The configuration of a Send. Admin/Managers set up Campaigns to make Sends available to their Sender users. Can be Sendoso Choice, Sendoso Direct, Amazon, or Inventoried items. Click here to learn how to create one.

Triggered Sending Approval: A feature that allows for Admin/Manager users to approve triggered Sends before they are processed. Triggered Sends are sent to a queue for the Manager to review and approve the Sends. Read more here.

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