Creating an Amazon Campaign

  • Updated

Setting up an Amazon Campaign is super easy! It will allow you to set a budget that the Sender has to stay within when choosing an item from Amazon.

Campaigns used to be called "Touches". Read about the change here

First, have you already downloaded the Sendoso extension? If not, please do so here.

When a Sender selects an item from Amazon, those items will be shipped to one of our Sending Fulfillment Centers, repackaged, and then shipped out from there. Selecting this type of Send will extend processing and shipping times by a few days.

Step 1:

After you click the + Create Campaign on the Campaigns page, you will want to select either one of the Amazon options at the bottom of the page under Amazon Integrated. Which one you choose just depends on where you are or the destinations of your sends.


Click Next Step to continue.

Step 2:

On this page, you’ll set your budget, select a note card type, add and select crinkle paper, and add extra items from your inventory. 


Click Next Step to continue.

Step 3:

If you’ve created other physical item Campaigns, this page should look familiar.


Here, you’ll be able to name your Campaign. You can also choose a Display Name, which is what your Senders will see. You can also add a note so the Sender knows exactly what this Campaign should be used for.

Select a start date and end date and whether you’d like to set the Theme of the gift email to the recipient or if your Sender should be able to choose which theme to use. Click here for more information about customizing your gift emails and landing pages.

You can also select whether the Sender can choose to hide the product name and photo on the Address Confirmation emails.

You’ll also need to select a Packing Method. For more information, click here.

Below those Campaign Details, you will have the option to limit the sending of this Campaign by clicking Additional Details.


Limit Numbers: This field allows you to set a limit on how many times this Campaign can be sent in the specified time. In the above example, 10 quantities of the Campaign can be sent twice a week.

Quantity Limits: Only allow each Sender to send this Campaign this number of times

Duration for Campaign: This is when the sending limit resets. Choose from 7, 30 or 90 days.

For more information about the other options in this section, check out this article.

Once you’ve set the Additional Details settings, click Next Step at the bottom to continue.

Step 4:

In this step, you can set up Salesforce tracking for the Campaign. For more information about this step, please review this article.

This is optional but great for tracking information to track ROI and map Campaign Member Statuses to Sendoso Statuses.

Click Next Step to continue.

Step 5:

In this step, you’ll be able to assign this Campaign to specific Teams within your account. If you want this Campaign to be visible to every user, click the Select all box at the top.


You can also fill out why you’re setting up this Campaign and any KPI outcomes. This is optional!

Click Finish.

You’ll be redirected to the Campaigns page and if you scroll down, you will see your Campaign in the Active section of this page.

That’s it! You now know how to create an Amazon Campaign.

If you’d like to review other articles about Campaigns, Inventory, Account Balance, etc, feel free to check out these articles.

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