Donate to Charity Recipient Option

  • Updated

Admins and Managers who create Campaigns, now have the option to give recipients the choice to donate the value of their gift to a 501(c)3 charity of their choice. This feature setting will be available to all recipient choice campaigns and will present the option to donate the value of the gift when the recipient goes through the gift redemption process.

How to enable the Donate to Charity feature

In the campaign settings, you’ll find a new option labeled "Allow recipient the option to donate to a charity.” Check the box to enable this setting for Recipient Choice campaigns.

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Recipient Experience 

When a recipient clicks into their gift options through the email they will receive, they'll see a new tile that will say Donate to a Charity.

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When they click the Donate to a Charity tile, they will be able to fill out a short form asking for the Charity they'd like to choose.

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Once they fill out the form, they'll see a confirmation page letting them know their donation will be submitted!

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What charities are supported?

All 501(c)3s are eligible. If a recipient inputs a charity that is not a registered 501(c)3, we will do our best to find something similar.

What amount is donated if the gift options range in value?

The highest value will be applied to the donation

What type of Campaigns support this option?

The Charity Donation setting can be enabled for Recipient Choice campaigns.

Can I claim this as a charity donation on my taxes?

Charity Donations that are gifted through Sendoso are not eligible for tax write-offs.

Can this feature be enabled for international Sends?

Yes, all Recipient Choice Campaigns.

Will this show in the Send Tracker?

Yes - If the recipient chooses to donate, the status in the Send Tracker will update to "Redeemed." Additionally, the donation will be displayed in the Gift Selection section on the Send Details page.

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