Receiving Inventory FAQs

  • Updated

Once you've shipped your Ship Notice and it's been delivered to one of our Sending Fulfillment Centers, keep in mind a few things as we receive and inventory your products.

Q: What are the receiving hours for each SFC?

Phoenix 6:00 AM - 2:30 PM MST
UK 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM GMT
Beverage-US 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM PST
AUS 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM GMT
IRL 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM GMT


Q: How long does it take until I can start sending my inventory after it's been delivered and stocked?
A: Our current receiving SLA is 3 to 5 business days (Shipments without a Ship Notice can cause a significant delay, up to 3 weeks, in getting your products inventoried)

Q: My shipment included the Ship Notice, but it's been 10 days since it was delivered and I still don't see my products. How can you check on this?
A: Absolutely. Reach out to our Support team via chat or email, including the Ship Notice ID, tracking information, and which SFC location it was delivered to.

Q: I sent in 50 notebooks, but I'm only seeing 40 in my inventory. Is there a way we can check if all the inventory was stocked?
A: Reach out to our Support team to request an inventory audit.

Q: We forgot to attach the Ship Notice for our incoming inventory. What should I do?
A: Please reach out to our Support team for assistance.

Q: Can the SFC take a picture of the items that were recently inventoried?
A: Sure can. Reach out to our Support team to submit a photo request.

Q: I submitted an order through the Custom Brand Shop a few days ago, but I don't see my products in my inventory yet. Can you check on the status?
A: Custom Brand Shop orders can take up to 20 calendar days for production time and shipping/receiving. For more information on Custom Brand Shop orders, check out our help center article.

Q: I sent crinkle paper to the SFC to add to our inventory. When will it be inventoried?
A: We now source our own crinkle paper in various colors. If you've sent in your own crinkle paper, we will either dispose of it or return it back to you. Our Logistics team will be reaching out to the sender to get their decision. For more information on our crinkle paper, please review our help center article.

Q: How much can I ship to Sendoso at one time?

A: A single inbound shipment to Sendoso may be up to a maximum of 1 truckload or roughly 50 pallets. Any single shipment that exceeds this must be reviewed and approved by Sendoso fulfillment center leadership. Please coordinate with a Sendoso customer success team member to initiate this review process. Failure to appropriately coordinate approval with Sendoso teams on inbound shipments exceeding 1 truck load or 50 pallets may result in the shipment being rejected and returned to sender and Sendoso will not be liable for any resulting shipping costs.

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