Whenever you add a new Funding Source to your account, you're able to select whether you'd like to receive invoices to fund your account or if you'd like to pay using a credit card.
If you choose to go the invoice route, you can designate people in your organization to receive those invoices by providing their email addresses during the setup process.
In this article, we'll go over how to request a copy of an invoice as well as how to update your Funding Source so that you will receive copies of invoices moving forward.
How to obtain a copy of an invoice:
First, navigate to your Account Balance page within your account and click on Invoices & Receipts.
Then, locate the date of the invoice for which you're seeking a copy.
Email invoices@sendoso.com with your request for a copy of that invoice.
How to add an email address to receive invoices:
First, navigate to the Account Balance page within your account.
Locate the Funding Source that you'd like to edit from the list. Click the three dots on the right side of the row of that Funding Source. Click Edit.
On the next page, locate the Account Payable Contact Email field and add the email addresses you'd like for your invoices to go. If you're adding more than one email address, separate them with commas. Ex: abc@xyz.com, abc1@xyz.com
Then, scroll down and click Save.
All future invoices will be sent to the email addresses you added. For more information about Funding Sources and Account Balances, feel free to refer to these articles: