How can I use Playbooks as a Sender?

  • Updated

As a Sender, you can access Playbooks from the Send page. Towards the top of your screen, click Playbooks as pictured below. Once clicked, you're able to select different outcomes, based on the use of your eGift or Sendoso Direct.


For example, there are Door Openers that are great for introducing yourself to a prospect you have not met yet. There are also options for Meeting Follow Ups, Deal Accelaratoes, Customer Appreciate, Employee Appreciation, Field Events, and Brand Awareness.


To view available plays, click Available Plays from the Playbook page. Select the play you'd like to use, then the appropriate campaign, and then select Continue.


You can request certain plays from your manager as well. To do this, select a play you'd like to use and then select Send Request. Your listed Team Manager within Sendoso will receive an automated email prompting them to enable the play you've requested. If approved, you'll receive an email notifying you that your requested play is available for use.

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