What Countries can I not Send to?

  • Updated

Due to export/import regulations, the below table provides a list of restricted countries that Sendoso is unable to send to, depending on the Sending Fulfillment Center you are sending your items from.

This list is specific to inventoried packages and does not affect Sendoso Direct sends or eGift sends. For a list of supported Sendoso Direct options and what countries our vendors can send to, please visit this article. You can also visit the eGift catalog to view available gift cards dependent on country/currency. 

Export/Import Restrictions

Restricted Countries

Unable to ship to these locations under any circumstances

Sending Fulfillment Center and Marketplace Vendors:

United Kingdom United States Australia EU
Iran Cuba Iran Belarus
North Korea Iran North Korea Libya
Belarus Belarus Belarus North Korea
Sierra Leone North Korea Libya Syria
South Sudan Syria Syria Russia
Burma (Myanmar) Sudan Russia Ukraine
Russia Libya Ukraine Cuba






In addition to the above list, below is a list of countries that we can support, however, shipping here is considered to be high-risk. This is due to the destination country's restrictions that may cause severe delays in processing and customs clearance. Packages shipped to these countries are to be reviewed individually and can be sent at your discretion, although not recommended.  


Export/Import Restrictions

High-Risk Countries

We can ship to these countries, but we will be unable to ensure a smooth shipping experience (For various reasons)

Sending Fulfillment Center and Marketplace Vendors:

United Kingdom United States Australia EU
Sudan Belarus Burma (Myanmar) Afghanistan
Côte d’Ivoire China Zimbabwe Bosnia & Herzegovia
D R of Congo Brazil D R of Congo Burundi
Liberia India Iraq Central African Republic
Lebanon Tanzania Lebanon Côte d’Ivoire
Belarus Zimbabwe Somalia D R of Congo
Iraq Liberia South Sudan Eritrea
Syria D R of Congo Sudan Iran
Ghana Côte d’Ivoire Yemen Iraq
Krygyzstan Somalia Israel Liberia
Libya Israel China Myanmar
Somalia Ukraine   Serbia
Venezuela Venezuela   Somalia
Yemen China   Sudan
Zimbabwe     South Sudan
Afghanistan     Venezuela
Argentina     Yemen
Israel     Zimbabwe
China     Israel




Delivered Duties Unpaid (DDU)

Countries where Brexit has added a layer of complexity. These countries REQUIRE items to be shipped in a way that makes recipients pay duties/taxes

All Sending Fulfillment Centers:

Ukraine Russia

*Due to the ongoing conflict in Russia and Ukraine, we are currently unable to process any shipments to either country. 



Delivered Duties Paid (DDP)

We CAN ship in a way where recipients will not need to pay duties or taxes, overall shipping costs may be slightly higher

Sending Fulfillment Centers:

Austria Estonia Ireland Portugal
Bulgaria Finland Italy Romania
Croatia France Latvia Slovakia
Cyprus Germany Luxembourg Spain
Czechia Greece Malta Sweden
Denmark Hungary Poland Slovenia
Belgium Lithuania Netherlands  




Additional Information Needed

Countries where senders will need to provide additional recipient information. The Logistics Support team will contact senders to collect after the order is placed.

All Sending Fulfillment Centers:

Country Information Needed
India PAN Number
Brazil CPF Number

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