Setting Up PingFederate SSO

  • Updated

This guide is to set up SSO through PingFederate into Sendoso.

Sendoso will require three pieces of information: 

A Connection Name: This is going to be your company name in all lower case (ex. sendoso)

The PingFederate Server URL: This is the server URL that we will use for SSO. (ex.

An x509 signing certificate: This is your PingFederate server public key that can be gathered from the PingFederate side.  The method to acquire this varies depending on setup, but you can find documentation on how to download this here.

Once you have this information ready to go, please contact our support team to assist with the final setup on Sendoso's side. You can contact them by clicking the orange widget at the bottom-right corner of this article.

You will need the following pieces of information for your setup in Ping:

Partner Entity ID: urn:auth0:sendosoprod:YOUR_CONNECTION_NAME


Please also make sure the EMAIL attribute statement is set up as this is will be required to complete the login to Sendoso.

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