Where can I get more training on Sendoso?

  • Updated

Ready to take your Sendoso platform knowledge to the next level? 

Check out Sendoso University - a self-service learning portal available 24/7 that is built right into the Sendoso app. You’ll have access to onboarding and how-to courses and videos created by a team of experienced learning specialists at no additional cost.

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What’s Available

Explore Sendoso University to find:

  • 100+ interactive courses, on-demand webinars and how-to videos
  • 60+ micro-videos on Sending strategy, averaging 5 minutes or less
  • 4.6 out of 5 learner-rated content: “Did you find the content of this training useful?”
  • Prescriptive, guided learning by role to onboard new users to Sendoso
  • Release notes and resources to stay up-to-date with the Sendoso platform

How to Access

  1. Log in to Sendoso
  2. Click the menu icon in the top-right corner of your account
  3. Select Sendoso University

You will be directed to the learning portal.

We moved Sendoso University to a new provider on June 19, 2024. If you are logging into Sendoso University for the first time since this date, please sign in to your Sendoso account and click Sendoso University from the menu in the app. This will ensure your new learning profile will be created correctly. 


How do I access training if I don't have a Sendoso account?

We just released a new, open Sendoso University for anyone to join! Even people who are not customers of Sendoso can sign up to access content on all things sending. Simply visit learn.sendoso.com to sign up today!

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I'm having trouble logging into Sendoso University even though I've logged into it before.

We launched a new version of Sendoso University in June 2024. With this change, every learner is required to log in through the Sendoso platform to establish their learner profile in Sendoso University.

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If you are having trouble accessing the new Sendoso University, please reach out to training@sendoso.com. Our Customer Education team will look into the issue and get back to you as soon as possible!

I received a certificate through the old Sendoso University, will that still be valid?

Yes! The certificates are still valid from our previous Learning Management System. If you need a copy of the certificate, please reach out to training@sendoso.com and we'll send it to you.

I completed some courses in the old Sendoso University, but it's not showing in the new one, what should I do?

Unfortunately, with our switch to a new provider, we could not transfer completions or course progress. However, if you earned a certificate in the old Sendoso University, we can send that to you directly.

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