HubSpot Global Sync

  • Updated

Sendoso now supports global sync for HubSpot!

What does this mean?

This means you no longer have to have multiple HubSpot accounts connected to Sendoso. One synced account for brand new features!

What's new?

Sendoso activity, no matter where you send from

Whether it's a sales team sending from a sales engagement tool or someone pressing send from Sendoso directly, we'll make sure that all the important send activity gets to the contact record in HubSpot.

Additional Field Mapping

This allows you to have Sendoso write additional data points back to the contact record in HubSpot.Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 10.04.52 AM.png

How to enable it?

As we work on rolling this out to everyone, it is fully functional! If you'd like to get this turned on ASAP, reach out to your customer success manager or our support team requesting that we enable HubSpot Global Sync for your account.

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