Introducing the Community Forum

  • Updated

Do you have ideas on how to improve the resources that Sendoso offers? Should the Sendoso Product Team focus on a new feature that will change the gifting game?

We are happy to announce that we now have a Community Forum dedicated to hearing your ideas and feedback!

The Community Forum is a space for Sendoso users to provide feedback and ideas for ways the Sendoso team can improve your experience. You can post your ideas and get others to vote for your ideas.

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In this article, we'll describe how to use this new space and what to expect from your peers and moderators.

Creating an Account and Logging in

If you've ever contacted Sendoso's support team,  you already have a Zendesk account! If you haven't, it's super easy to sign up and create one. If you have contacted Support in the past, simply click Sign In at the top of any Help Center or Community Forum page. 

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On the next page, you'll want to click either Forgot Password? or Get a Password.

If you haven't contacted Support before,  you'll click Sign up.

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Once you log in, you'll be able to post, comment, and vote in the Community Forum. If you've contacted Support before, you'll also be able to see all of your requests. Click here to learn more. 

Updating your Profile

If you'd like to update your name, alias or profile photo, you'll want to go to your profile!

Click on your name in the top-right corner and click Profile.

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From there, you'll be able to click Edit Profile.

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Creating a Post

Creating a new post in the Community Forum is super easy and you'll see that there are multiple places where you can start the process.

The first place is on the homepage. If you scroll down below the featured posts, you'll see a Create Post button. 

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Another place you'll see this button is on a post's page.

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When you draft your post, you'll be asked to pick a topic where you'd like your post to go. If you are unsure of which topic to select Community Forum Suggestion Box and the moderators will either create a new topic or put your post in the appropriate topic.

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Please note that all posts will be reviewed before they go live. We may change this rule soon, but for now, we will be reviewing posts before they show up on the page.

Commenting and Voting

If you would like to engage in a discussion with someone through their post, you're able to comment and vote on existing posts. 

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I submitted a post, but it isn't showing up. What happened?

All posts will be reviewed and approved within 1 business day. We will revisit this policy in the future, but for now, our moderators will be approving posts!


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