Sendoso now enables you to sync your Salesforce account via OAuth so you can track all sending activity to Salesforce on an account level with our Global Sync feature!
We can automatically log all activities and add recipients (Leads/Contacts) to a Salesforce Campaign for additional tracking purposes.
Please keep in mind that not all customers have this enabled. The third step in this article is how you'll know if you have Salesforce Global Sync. If you have a different screen but would like Global Sync enabled, please reach out to our support team.
To get started, log in to Sendoso.
Next, navigate to the Integrations link under the menu icon in the top-right corner (or click here to go directly to the Integrations page)
Find the Salesforce panel, and select Learn More
Upon clicking the Salesforce tile, you'll see the following screen (if you don't see this screen, please refer here to get Salesforce synced OR if you'd like to use Salesforce Global Sync please reach out to our support team.)
- Sendoso strongly suggests using a dedicated integration user for our Global Sync feature. This is a singular account that will perform all Salesforce x Sendoso functions (for details on required permissions, see here).
- Click the orange 'Connect to Salesforce' button in the bottom right to log in via your dedicated user (please be aware that if you are logged into another SFDC account at the time of pressing the button, it will log you in as that user)
- Click Allow to confirm Sendoso access
Once allowed, you'll now see the global user established in Sendoso!
You can remove this integration user at any time by hitting the 3-dot action button and clicking "Remove User". By taking this action, please be aware that any configured campaign tracking may be lost and would need to be re-established by you.
For additional training on Salesforce integration, feel free to check out these Sendoso University courses.
If you are a prospect, see how you can use Sendoso to send from your CRM.