Using the reporting tools available in HubSpot, you can create a dashboard that tracks your progress with Sendoso campaigns, and assess the ROI of gifting.
There are some commonly used report types we recommend to get started. See the instructions for each below.
Map custom properties to HubSpot
From the HubSpot integrations page, you can map custom properties that track the spend on contacts, and information about the latest gift sent. This will require creating a property in HubSpot for Sendoso to point to.
Build a Sendoso Contact list
This list will serve as a handy filter for all our reports so we can ensure we’re only reporting on Contacts, Deals and Meetings where a Sendoso send occurred.
Start by going into HubSpot and navigating to Contacts > Lists > Create List.
Your list will be Contact-based, and marked as Active. Give it a helpful name, e.g. “Sendoso Recipients.” Hit Next.
Add a filter, and begin typing “Sendoso” into the search bar to find the Sendoso integration filter.
Click into Sendoso and select “Sendoso: Gift Status Sync Event properties” to reveal the filters available to you. You’ll see the below to choose from.
Best practice: most companies prefer to include recipients who have interacted with a Send, so the filter can be based on Sent status and include only Statuses that correspond to engagement, e.g. “Used”, “Delivered”. This ensures your list doesn’t contain any Contacts whose gift was canceled or never opened. See the screenshot below for an example setup that meets minimum requirements.
Once your criteria are in place, click Save list. You can now use this active list as a means of filtering your ROI reports for Sendoso.
Pipeline Report
The accuracy of this report depends on Contacts being associated with Deals. Ensure you have all the relevant Contacts attached to your deals every time!
Start by going to the top navigation bar and selecting Reporting > Reports. In the top right-hand corner, click on Create Report. For the report type, choose Custom Report Builder. On the next page you’ll select the objects you want to include in the report. Select Contacts, Deals and then Next.
From the report editing screen, begin by selecting KPI from the chart settings so your report displays a number. You’ll select Deals as your object to pull values from, and then pull in Amount (or the field that tracks deal amount) as your value. See the image below for guidance.
Now, it’s time to filter the report to show only Deals that are in Pipeline. Do this by adding a filter for Deal Stage, and select all that apply.
- Option 1: Go into filters and choose Contacts who are members of your Sendoso list. Select Contacts as your data source, and then drag in “List membership” as your filter type. Select “is member of” and then find your Sendoso recipients list from the drop-down. Save your filter.
- Option 2: Filter your report using the Sendoso custom properties, e.g. “Touch Name is known” or “Total Sendoso Spend > $1”.
With these filters in place, you can now Save Report. This will become the pipeline portion of your Sendoso ROI dashboard.
During the save process, you’ll have the opportunity to add this report to a new dashboard. Give your dashboard a name, e.g. “Sendoso ROI” and apply permissions.
Closed/Won Report
Now that you’ve created a pipeline report, you can track Closed/Won deals with a Sendoso send. Start by going into your Reports, select the Pipeline report you just created, and go to Actions > Clone. You’ll see options to add the report to your Sendoso dashboard and Save.
You’ll be taken back to your reports list, and you’ll see the cloned report. Go to Actions > Customize.
To begin, rename your report to reflect the Closed/Won status.
- Option 1: Filter your report by the Sendoso Contact List.
- Option 2: Filter your report using the Sendoso custom properties, e.g. “Touch Name is known” or “Total Sendoso Spend > $1”.
Now, your report will display the total sum of Deals that are 1) marked Closed/Won, and 2) Have an engaged Sendoso send on them.
Deals by Rep
You can track individual rep performance using versions of the pipeline and closed/won reports you’ve created already.
Start by going into Reports > Create report > Custom report builder > Choose my own data sources.
Ensure Contacts and Deals are selected as your data sources. Click Next.
Ensure that your Chart type is a Vertical bar. This should be selected by default.
For fields, click and drag Deal owner to your X-axis. Then, click and drag the Deal amount to your Y-axis. In the current view, you’ll be looking at a report that shows the total Deal amount by rep.
Next, go into Filters and select Contacts as your primary data source. Click and drag List membership into your filters, and configure it to filter by members of your Sendoso recipients list. You can alternatively filter this using the custom Sendoso property, e.g. “Total Sendoso spend > $1”, “Touch Name is known”, etc.
From here, the next step is to add a filter for Deal Stage. To look at Sendoso pipeline by rep, configure your Deal stage filter to only Deals without a closed/won or closed/lost status. To look at only Closed/won opportunities with Sendoso sends by rep, set the Deal stage filter to Closed/Won.
You can always clone this report and adjust your filters to see both pipeline and closed/won Deals by rep in your ROI dashboard.
Spend tally
To capture your total Sendoso spend within the dashboard, begin with a new contact-based report. For properties, pull in your Sendoso Spend property. Adjust the report visualization to a summary so it will read the whole number in your report.
Your total spend will now display once you’ve added the report to your dashboard.
Note: Ensure you’re filtering this metric by whichever dimensions make the most sense for you, e.g. Deal stage.
Influence Comparison
To compare the value of gifts that included gifting vs those that didn’t, you can use a bar graph to measure volume of pipeline or closed/won Deals. (This could also be broken out by stage if need be)
The easiest way to measure influence is to use a checkbox field on the Contact to mark that they have been influenced by gifting. Using a custom checkbox property and a workflow, mark that checkbox anytime a gift is sent, or reaches a specific status, e.g. “Delievered” or “Used”.
Now that you’re tracking deal influence on the contact level, create a new report that measures Deals and Contacts.
On the X axis, add the Sendoso Influenced property. On the Y axis, add the Deal amount property.
For filters, you can choose whether to filter by specific deal stages, e.g. all deals except Closed won/lost. Or you can choose to only view by Closed/Won deals to measure overall impact.
Now, your dashboard should reflect the key metrics you’re looking to drive forward with gifting. There are various ways to filter your reports based on what aspects of your pipeline and revenue you’re looking to analyze. Contact your CSM with any questions or specific suggestions!