Viewing your Sendoso Support Requests

  • Updated

If you would like to be able to view and follow the statuses of your Support Requests, you will need to create an account within our Help Center. 

To create your account please follow these steps:

  1. Please go to the Help Center
  2. Click on Sign in, located on the top of the page in the navigation bar

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  1. Follow the instructions to verify or create your account with the email address you use within your Sendoso account
  2. Once you are logged in, click on the user's name/icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page
  3. From the dropdown menu please select "Requests"

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The My Requests page will enable you to view your Sendoso Support ticket inquiries by Subject, Ticket ID, Date Created, Last Activity, and Status.

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Any Support Request tickets you have submitted will be available in the first tab under My Requests.

Any Support Request tickets you have been added to, via CC, are located on the tab Requests I’m CC’d on.

You can select any of the blue hyperlinked Subjects to see the details of your requests and take action on them.

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