Zendesk Sell Integration

  • Updated

With the Zendesk Sell x Sendoso integration, easily send leads and contacts gifts natively within Zendesk!

To get started, log in to your Zendesk Sell instance and navigate to settings (Note - you will need permissions to customize leads and contacts)


Next, under customize, click 'Leads'

Click 'Smart Links' and then click 'Add Smart Link'

Title the smart link 'Sendoso', insert this link as the web app URL: https://app.sendoso.com/v2/plugin/sends?channel=Zendesk, and then choose whether it opens in Sell or in a new window


Hit 'save' and that's it! You'll now have Sendoso as a smart link on any contact or lead record in Zendesk Sell! Be sure to repeat these steps for the 'Contact' as well.


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